Linking Patients to the Medical Supplies and Services They Need, When They Need Them
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Linking Patients to the Medical Supplies and Services They Need, When They Need Them
Go to MedLink Project PresentationSave the time and distance that patients need to travel to find out if a particular medical provider has a particular item or service
Provide an easy-to-use service to link people in developing countries who need medical supplies and services with the suppliers of those services
Provide tools to medical health professionals and community health volunteers to accept requests for supplies and services and respond to those requests with the locations that have those supplies and services and when they will be available
Help medical providers manage requests for supplies and services and integrate those requests into their existing inventory control and purchasing systems
World-Wide Applicability across Multiple Countries
Immediately Useful in Developing Countries
Extensible: Can Work with Any Inventory System
Internationalized: not just English
Multiple Interfaces: Web, Smart Phones, SMS, Email
One piece of a larger whole
Reusable across other domains (schools, businesses, …)
Deployable immediately after hackathon