How to Use TaxiFlasher
Getting Started
TaxiFlasher will start up displaying your most recent Flash (a.k.a. message). A fresh install will flash "TAXI" at a medium setting, alternating a yellow/black text and background, but if you've used the app before, it will automatically display the last Flash you created from the Settings page.
To change the text, colors and flashing speed, touch anywhere on the screen to get to the Settings page.
- Flash Text
- You can either choose one of the handy text buttons we've provided for quick access to some useful Flash text, or touch on the text box and type in your own Flash text.
- Font
- Touch the font button next to the Flash Text to bring up the Font picker. Choose any one of the Fonts in the picker and preview what your Flash Text will look like. Select "Use this font" to return to the settings screen or select Done to see your Flash in the selected font.
- Speed
- Your text and background will flash by alternating between your choice of a pair of colors. Choose the alternating speed by either touching the buttons to use one of our preset speeds, or for more control, move the slider with your finger. Choosing "Off" will prevent your Flash from alternating colors.
WARNING: If you suffer from Epilieptic seizures brought on by flashing lights, please do not go faster than "Fast."
- Colors
- You can customize alternating colors for the background and your Flash text. If set the Speed to "Off," the First Color will be the background color and the Second Color is the color of your Flash text.
- Voting
- We want to know what features are important to you, so we've implemented a voting system to allows you to tell us what you think we should work on next! We've come up with a number of features that we think would be useful within TaxiFlasher. Touch the buttons to check off the features that you would like to see added to TaxiFlasher, and then touch the "Submit Your Vote" button to send us your votes. If the button says "Submitted", we already have your latest votes. You can change your votes at any time and resubmit them, if you change your mind.
If you're curious what other people have voted for, you can see our latest results by touching the "view results..." button.
- Suggest other new features...
- This will allow you to email us suggestions for improvements and new features for TaxiFlasher that aren't already listed in our voting system. You can also just email us at:
- Email us feedback or a support request...
- Allows you to email our support team any feedback or problems you're having with the application. You can also email us at:
- Read our posted Principles & Privacy Policy...
- This link takes you to our website, where you can read the Principles our company is founded on and our Privacy Policy which describes how we treat any data you may give to us.
- View TaxiFlasher Release Notes...
- This link takes you to the Release Notes page of our website, describing what's new in your version of TaxiFlasher.